Lists of tartan colours are important for a dictionary as you need to allow some variation for colours and yet still be the same thread count descriptions.
In the first instance I am using the 19 colour names from the Tartan Registry although I am very tempted to using on the 6 basic colours that are common to almost all languages White Black, Red, Green, Blue and Yellow.
Tartan Registry Colour list
The full tartan registry colour list (corrected for errors as of 2023-01-23) is:
Name | Code | sRGB Hex | rgb | Sample |
Light Red | LR | #E8CCB8 | 232,204,184 | |
Light Red | LR | #E87878 | 232,120,120 | |
Light Red | LR | #EC34C4 | 236,52,196 | |
Red | R | #A00048 | 160,0,72 | |
Red | R | #FA4B00 | 250,75,0 | |
Red | R | #FF0000 | 255,0,0 | |
Red | R | #DC0000 | 220,0,0 | |
Red | R | #C80000 | 200,0,0 | |
Red | R | #C82828 | 200,40,40 | |
Red | R | #C8002C | 200,0,44 | |
Red | R | #B03000 | 176,48,0 | |
Dark Red | DR | #A00000 | 160,0,0 | |
Dark Red | DR | #960000 | 150,0,0 | |
Dark Red | DR | #960028 | 150,0,40 | |
Dark Red | DR | #880000 | 136,0,0 | |
Dark Red | DR | #800028 | 128,0,40 | |
Dark Red | DR | #781C38 | 120,28,56 | |
Dark Red | DR | #4C0000 | 76,0,0 | |
Dark Red | DR | #901C38 | 144,28,56 | |
Dark Red | DR | #680028 | 104,0,40 | |
Orange | O | #EC8048 | 236,128,72 | |
Orange | O | #E86000 | 232,96,0 | |
Orange | O | #DC943C | 220,148,60 | |
Orange | O | #D87C00 | 216,124,0 | |
Dark Orange | DO | #BE7832 | 190,120,50 | |
Dark Orange | DO | #B84C00 | 184,76,0 | |
Light Yellow | LY | #F8F4D0 | 248,244,208 | |
Light Yellow | LY | #F9F5C8 | 249,245,200 | |
Light Yellow | LY | #F8E38C | 248,227,140 | |
Yellow | Y | #FFFF00 | 255,255,0 | |
Yellow | Y | #FFE600 | 255,230,0 | |
Yellow | Y | #FFD700 | 255,215,0 | |
Yellow | Y | #FCCC00 | 252,204,0 | |
Yellow | Y | #E0A126 | 224,161,38 | |
Yellow | Y | #E8C000 | 232,192,0 | |
Yellow | Y | #D8B000 | 216,176,0 | |
Dark Yellow | DY | #BC8C00 | 188,140,0 | |
Dark Yellow | DY | #D09800 | 208,152,0 | |
Dark Yellow | DY | #C89800 | 200,152,0 | |
Dark Yellow | DY | #C88C00 | 200,140,0 | |
Light Green | LG | #789484 | 120,148,132 | |
Light Green | LG | #C4BC68 | 196,188,104 | |
Light Green | LG | #9C9C00 | 156,156,0 | |
Light Green | LG | #86C67C | 134,198,124 | |
Light Green | LG | #649848 | 100,152,72 | |
Green | G | #008B00 | 0,139,0 | |
Green | G | #408060 | 64,128,96 | |
Green | G | #289C18 | 40,156,24 | |
Green | G | #006400 | 0,100,0 | |
Green | G | #007800 | 0,120,0 | |
Green | G | #708048 | 112,128,72 | |
Green | G | #5C6428 | 92,100,40 | |
Green | G | #00643C | 0,100,60 | |
Green | G | #146400 | 20,100,0 | |
Green | G | #006818 | 0,104,24 | |
Green | G | #004C00 | 0,76,0 | |
Green | G | #285800 | 40,88,0 | |
Green | G | #005020 | 0,80,32 | |
Green | G | #005448 | 0,84,72 | |
Dark Green | DG | #003C14 | 0,60,20 | |
Dark Green | DG | #003820 | 0,56,32 | |
Dark Green | DG | #004028 | 0,64,40 | |
Dark Green | DG | #002814 | 0,40,20 | |
Light Blue | LB | #98C8E8 | 152,200,232 | |
Light Blue | LB | #00FCFC | 0,252,252 | |
Light Blue | LB | #82CFFD | 130,207,253 | |
Blue | B | #048888 | 4,136,136 | |
Blue | B | #3C82AF | 60,130,175 | |
Blue | B | #5C8CA8 | 92,140,168 | |
Blue | B | #2888C4 | 40,136,196 | |
Blue | B | #48A4C0 | 72,164,192 | |
Blue | B | #2474E8 | 36,116,232 | |
Blue | B | #0596FA | 5,150,250 | |
Blue | B | #3474FC | 52,116,252 | |
Blue | B | #0000FF | 0,0,255 | |
Blue | B | #3850C8 | 56,80,200 | |
Blue | B | #788CB4 | 120,140,180 | |
Blue | B | #5F749C | 95,116,156 | |
Blue | B | #1870A4 | 24,112,164 | |
Blue | B | #1474B4 | 20,116,180 | |
Blue | B | #0000CD | 0,0,205 | |
Blue | B | #2C4084 | 44,64,132 | |
Dark Blue | DB | #003C64 | 0,60,100 | |
Dark Blue | DB | #00008C | 0,0,140 | |
Dark Blue | DB | #000080 | 0,0,128 | |
Dark Blue | DB | #2C2C80 | 44,44,128 | |
Dark Blue | DB | #1C0070 | 28,0,112 | |
Dark Blue | DB | #000064 | 0,0,100 | |
Dark Blue | DB | #202060 | 32,32,96 | |
Dark Blue | DB | #000048 | 0,0,72 | |
Dark Blue | DB | #141E46 | 20,30,70 | |
Dark Blue | DB | #1C1C50 | 28,28,80 | |
Light Purple | LP | #A8ACE8 | 168,172,232 | |
Light Purple | LP | #C49CD8 | 196,156,216 | |
Light Purple | LP | #9C68A4 | 156,104,164 | |
Purple | P | #9058D8 | 144,88,216 | |
Purple | P | #AA00FF | 170,0,255 | |
Purple | P | #B458AC | 180,88,172 | |
Purple | P | #6C0070 | 108,0,112 | |
Purple | P | #5A008C | 90,0,140 | |
Purple | P | #64008C | 100,0,140 | |
Purple | P | #780078 | 120,0,120 | |
Dark Purple | DP | #440044 | 68,0,68 | |
Off White/Cream | W | #F0E0C8 | 240,224,200 | |
White | W | #FCFCFC | 252,252,252 | |
White | W | #FFFFFF | 255,255,255 | |
White | W | #F8F8F8 | 248,248,248 | |
Light Grey | LN | #E0E0E0 | 224,224,224 | |
Grey | N | #C8C8C8 | 200,200,200 | |
Grey | N | #C0C0C0 | 192,192,192 | |
Grey | N | #B0B0B0 | 176,176,176 | |
Grey | N | #B8B8B8 | 184,184,184 | |
Grey | N | #A0A0A0 | 160,160,160 | |
Grey | N | #808080 | 128,128,128 | |
Grey | N | #888888 | 136,136,136 | |
Grey | N | #646464 | 100,100,100 | |
Dark Grey | N | #505050 | 80,80,80 | |
Dark Grey | N | #5C5C5C | 92,92,92 | |
Dark Grey | DN | #14283C | 20,40,60 | |
Dark Grey/Black | K | #1C1714 | 28,23,20 | |
Dark Grey/Black | K | #1C1C1C | 28,28,28 | |
Black | K | #101010 | 16,16,16 | |
Black | K | #000000 | 0,0,0 | |
Light Brown | LT | #A08858 | 160,136,88 | |
Light Brown | LT | #8C7038 | 140,112,56 | |
Light Brown | LT | #A07C58 | 160,124,88 | |
Light Brown | LT | #B07430 | 176,116,48 | |
Brown | T | #98481C | 152,72,28 | |
Brown | T | #603800 | 96,56,0 | |
Brown | T | #604000 | 96,64,0 | |
Brown | T | #503C14 | 80,60,20 |
Colour conversion sites from Pantone to sRGB
Pantone don’t publish all their colours on the web so require you to log into their web site. There are a number of sites on the web that puport to offer Pantone colours but they seem to be off from the ones the Pantone do advertise, eg Pantone 2728 C. They also don’t tend to specify if they are uncoated or coated colours.
ediy reports the exact same colours that Pantone-colours do. They seem closer to the uncoated Pantone colours but still quite a bit different. The following seem to have different values qconv and Ramweb
Colour | qconv | Ramweb | Pantone-colours |
Pantone 160 |
Pantone 180 | - | - |
Pantone 654 | - | - |
Pantone 543 | - | - |
Pantone 364 | - | - |
Pantone 2728 |
e-paint seems a much better website with matching for a variety of different colour systems. Note the theembroiderynerd also seems to have colours that match the C versions.
Pantone publish 2728C as
on their website (as of 2023-02-15)
Colour | Uncoated | Coated |
160 |
180 |
2728 |
654 |
543 |
364 |
Note these colours are using the sRGB conversion system used is IEC 61966:2-1 1999 D50 adapted which may differ from other conversions.
I am planning where possible to use the C versions of colours, where pantone colours are stated.